雅马哈 YAMAHA CL3 64路数字调音台
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  • 品牌:YAMAHA
  • 型号:CL3(项目报备)
  • 国别:日本
  • 产地:日本
  • 适用:大型演出、中型演出、演播...
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系列的EQ和效果器进行了全面地扩展与改善。内置的Effect Rack(效果器机架)采用了 VCM模拟电路建模技术,另外还配备了通过与Rupert Neve先生本人紧密合作而设计开发的带有Rupert Neve Designs Portico 5033均衡器和Portico 5043压缩器/限制器的Premium RackYamahaRupert Neve Designs公司的通力合作始于2010年,合力开发基于Yamaha VCM (虚拟电路建模)技术的设备。Rupert Neve曾对Portico 5033均衡器和Portico 5043压缩器等采用VCM技术后的产品做出过如下评述: “这是一个非常激动人心的时刻,因为我们第一次将Rupert Neve声音的强悍表现力应用到了现场扩声领域。这一切归功于YamahaVCM技术。我绝对相信这种声音与原本的模拟声没有任何区别。” Yamaha研发中心的K博士(Dr. K Toshifumi Kunimoto先生) VCM 技术的开发者,对该技术同样表示满意: “我们已经将VCM 技术推广到音响效果和数字调音台的广阔领域,目前通过与Rupert Neve Designs公司卓有成效的合作,VCM 技术已成为一些最有价值的Portico产品的技术基础。
通过可扩展的Audinate Dante?数字音频网络进行通讯,CL系列的多种组合和配置中还可以使用 Rio3224-DRio1608-D机架安装型I/O接口设备。CL系列调音台可以连接多达8I/O机架接口设备, 不仅如此,多台CL调音台还可以同时对同一I/O机架设备进行控制。全新增加的增益补偿功能,可以通过单一网络整合FOH和监听位的控制,因此提供了更大规模数字现场扩声的能力。CL系列中使用的Dante模块是与Audinate公司合作开发的。AudinateCEO,Lee Ellison评价道: “我们很高兴能在CL系列调音台和I/O机架接口设备的开发过程中与Yamaha开展合作。DanteYamaha网络系统与Dante虚拟声卡以及其它任何Dante网络设备之间连接提供了灵活、低延迟、高度扩展、即插即用的网络解决方案。我们相信融汇于这个新平台的技术将为用户提供难以想象的崭新数字体验。
调音台附赠了Steinberg “Nuendo Live” 录音制作软件,提供了最先进的现场多轨录音和虚拟声音检查功能。Nuendo Live软件的一大特点便在于其专门为现场录音工作进行了设计优化,可以直接从CL调音台实现多种访问和操作。Extension plug-in(扩展插件),是一种可供调音台和Nuendo Live进行便捷通讯的应用软件,可以让CL从调音台的内部界面实现诸如通道名复制、标记和走带控制等操作。Steinberg的常务董事Andreas Stelling: “Nuendo Live不仅极其稳定、易于使用,还能与最新一代的Yamaha现场调音台无缝整合。这是YamahaSteinberg公司密切合作的又一成功范例。
专门为iPad开发的CL StageMix应用程序则提供了更大的灵活性,可以从舞台或观众席等任意位置远程无线遥控并设置CL调音台。Yamaha Console File ConverterYamaha调音台文件转换器)是另一种非常实用的应用软件。它可以实现CL系列、PM5DM7CLLS9调音台之间的数据共享,即使使用完全不同的调音台,一台设备中的参数数据也无需彻底重新编程就能复制到另外一台上并使用。

“CL用当今的先进技术完美地满足了当今用户的需求。雅马哈专业音响事业部小林和德部长(Kazunori Kobayashi)这样评价,“YamahaRupert Neve DesignsAudinateSteinberg等公司间的亲密合作,造就了声音、性能和功能之间的完美平衡,最终结果就是达到了毫无妥协的混音能力和完美品质。历经四分之一世纪的不断创新,今天的CL系列调音台开创了Yamaha数字混音技术的新篇章。



CL3:中型尺寸,2个推子区域(16+8),64个单声道和 8个立体声输入通道。






Technical Specification of CL/QL

Mixing Capacity Input Mixing Channels 72 mono + 8 stereo 64 mono + 8 stereo 48 mono + 8 stereo 64 mono + 8 stereo 32 mono + 8 stereo
Mix Buses 24 16
Matrices 8 (Input to Matrix supported) 8 (Input to Matrix supported)
Stereo Bus 1 1
Mono 1 1
Cue 1 (Second Cue Bus supported in CL V4.0 or later) 1 (Second Cue Bus supported in QL V4.0 or later)
Local Connectors Analog Inputs 8 32 16
Analog Outputs 8 16 8
MY Slots 3 2
Dante I/O Primary / Secondary Primary / Secondary
Digital Out 1 (AES/EBU) 1 (AES/EBU)
GPI 5 in / 5 out (CL V1.11 or later) 5 in / 5 out
Word Clock I/O Yes Yes
MIDI I/O In / Out In / Out
External Redundant PSU Optional PW800W No
Meter Bridge Output meter built-in Optional MBCL No
Ethernet Yes Yes
AC Inlet V-Lock Type V-Lock Type
Scene Memory Number of Scenes 300 300
Recall Safe Yes Yes
Focus Recall Yes Yes
Fade Time Yes (0s ~ 60s) Yes (0s ~ 60s)
Preview Yes (CL V1.51 or later) Yes
Selective Load / Save Yes (CL V1.7 or later) Yes
Tactile Control Keys Yes No (on-screen)
Input Channel Functions Gain Compensation Yes Yes
Digital Gain Yes (-96dB ~ +24dB) Yes (-96dB ~ +24dB)
ATT -96dB ~ 0dB -96dB ~ 0dB
HPF 20Hz ~ 600Hz, -6 or -12dB/oct Selectable (CL V1.51 or later) 20Hz ~ 600Hz, -6 or -12dB/oct Selectable
PEQ 4 Band Full PEQ
(RTA overlay support in CL V3.0 or later, New EQ Algorithms support in CL V4.0 or later)
4 Band Full PEQ
(RTA overlay support in QL V3.0 or later, New EQ Algorithms support in QL V4.0 or later)
Dynamics 1 Gate / Ducking / Compressor / Expander (Key-in Filter on the Compressor and Expander in CL V4.0 or later) Gate / Ducking / Compressor / Expander (Key-in Filter on the Compressor and Expander in QL V4.0 or later)
Dynamics 2 Compressor / Compander-H / Compander-S / De-esser Compressor / Compander-H / Compander-S / De-esser
Input Delay Yes (0ms ~ 1000ms, frame delay support in CL V3.0 or later) Yes (0ms ~ 1000ms, frame delay support in QL V3.0 or later)
Pan CENTER NOMINAL or LR NOMINAL for monaural input channels in CL V3.1 or later
L-MONO, R-MONO or LR-MONO for stereo input channels in CL V3.1 or later
CENTER NOMINAL or LR NOMINAL for monaural input channels in QL V3.1 or later
L-MONO, R-MONO or LR-MONO for stereo input channels in QL V3.1 or later
DCA Group 16 (Output DCA and DCA Roll-Out support in CL V2.0 or later, Scrollable DCA Roll-Out support in CL V4.0 or later) 16 (Output DCA support in QL V3.0 or later)
MUTE Group 8 8
Number of Inserts 2 (CL V2.0 or later) 2
Direct Out Yes Yes
Output Channel Functions PEQ 4 Band Full PEQ
(RTA overlay support in CL V3.0 or later, New EQ Algorithms support in CL V4.0 or later)
4 Band Full PEQ
(RTA overlay support in QL V3.0 or later, New EQ Algorithms support in QL V4.0 or later)
Dynamics 1 Compressor / Expander / Compander-H / Compander-S Compressor / Expander / Compander-H / Compander-S
MUTE Group 8 8
Number of Inserts 2 (CL V2.0 or later) 2
Premium Rack Number of Premium Racks 8 8
Mountable Device RND Portico5033 / RND Portico5043 / U76 / Opt-2A / EQ-1A / Dynamic EQ / Buss Comp 369 (CL V3.0 or later) / MBC4 (CL V4.0 or later) RND Portico5033 / RND Portico5043 / U76 / Opt-2A / EQ-1A / Dynamic EQ / Buss Comp 369 (QL V3.0 or later) / MBC4 (QL V4.0 or later)
Effect Rack Number of Effect Racks 8 8
Number of Effect Programs 54 54
Mountable Device Effect / 31BandGEQ / Flex15GEQ / 8Band PEQ (CL V3.0 or later) Effect / 31BandGEQ / Flex15GEQ / 8Band PEQ (QL V3.0 or later)
GEQ Rack Number of GEQ Racks 16 8
Mountable Device 31BandGEQ / Flex15GEQ / Dugan Automixer (CL V3.0 or later) / 8Band PEQ (CL V3.0 or later)
(RTA overlay support in CL V3.0 or later, GEQ gain control from the TOUCH AND TURN knob in CL V4.0 or later)
31BandGEQ / Flex15GEQ / Dugan Automixer / 8Band PEQ (CL V3.0 or later)
(RTA overlay support in QL V3.0 or later, GEQ gain control from the TOUCH AND TURN knob in QL V4.0 or later)
Dante Number of I/O Channels 64 in / 64 out 64 in / 64 out 32 in / 32 out
Dante Patch from Console Yes Yes
Recording USB Memory Recording Yes Yes
DVS Recording Yes (DVS and Nuendo Live bundled) Yes (DVS and Nuendo Live bundled)
Broadcast Functions 5.1 Surround Panning Yes (CL V3.0 or later) Yes (QL V3.0 or later)
Surround Monitor Yes (CL V3.0 or later) Yes (QL V3.0 or later)
Mix Minus Yes (CL V2.0 or later) Yes (QL V3.0 or later)
L-Mono / R-Mono / LR-Mono Yes (CL V3.0 or later) Yes (QL V3.0 or later)
Monitor Solo Mode Yes (CL V4.0 or later) Yes (QL V4.0 or later)
Second Cue Bus
(allows the MATRIX 7/8 to be used as a CUE B bus)
Yes (CL V4.0 or later) Yes (QL V4.0 or later)
Oscillator Sine Wave 1ch / Sine Wave 2ch (CL V3.0 or later) / Pink Noise / Burst Noise Sine Wave 1ch / Sine Wave 2ch (QL V3.0 or later) / Pink Noise / Burst Noise
Other Functions Port to Port No Yes
RTA Yes (CL V3.0 or later) Yes (QL V3.0 or later)
Output Port Delay Yes (0ms ~ 1000ms, frame delay support in CL V3.0) Yes (0ms ~ 1000ms, frame delay support in QL V3.0)
Cascade Yes (via MY slots) Yes
User Level Yes Yes
Help File Yes (CL V1.51 or later) Yes
Channel link Yes (Output Channel link support in CL V3.0 or later) Yes (Output Channel link support in QL V3.0 or later)
Channel Copy/Move Yes Yes
Control & Monitoring for Digital Wireless Receivers Shure ULXD4D/ULXD4Q (CL V4.0 or later) Shure ULXD4D/ULXD4Q (QL V4.0 or later)
User Interface Display 10 inch Touch Panel 10 inch Touch Panel
Centralogic Section Yes No
Faders 16 + 8 + 8 + 2 16 + 8 + 2 8 + 8+ 2 32 + 2 16 + 2
Selected Channel Encoders Gain, HPF, PEQ (controls for 4 bands), Dynamics 1/2(Threshold only), Pan, Mix/Matrix Sends Gain, HPF, PEQ (controls for a selected band), Dynamics 1/2(Threshold only), Pan
Channel Encoder Yes (for Gain, Send Level, or an assigned parameter) No
Channel Name / Color Display Yes Yes
Custom Fader Banks Yes (customized for each fader section) Yes (customized for all faders in a lump, MASTER fader of FADER BANK A in QL V4.0 or later)
User Defined Keys 16 (x 4 banks in CL V3.0 or later) 12 (x 4 banks in QL V3.0 or later)
User Defined Knobs 4 4 (on-screen)
Touch and Turn Knob Yes (using a User Defined Knob) Yes
Monitor Level Knob Yes Yes (on-screen)
Wooden Arm Rest Yes No
iPad Stay Yes No Yes No
Rack-mounting No No Yes
Software Editor CL Editor (Win/Mac, CSV files import/export in CL Editor V4.0.0 or later) QL Editor (Win/Mac, CSV files import/export in QL Editor V4.0.0 or later)
StageMix CL StageMix (iPad app) QL StageMix (iPad app)
MonitorMix Yes (CL V4.00 or later) Yes (QL V4.00 or later)
Console File Converter Yes (Win/Mac) Yes (Win/Mac)

CL5, CL3, CL1

General specifications CL5 CL3 CL1
General specifications
Sampling frequency rate Internal 44.1kHz / 48kHz 44.1kHz / 48kHz 44.1kHz / 48kHz
External 44.1kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm), 48kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm) 44.1kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm), 48kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm) 44.1kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm), 48kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm)
Signal delay Less than 2.5ms, OMNI IN to OMNI OUT, Fs=48kHz Less than 2.5ms, OMNI IN to OMNI OUT, Fs=48kHz Less than 2.5ms, OMNI IN to OMNI OUT, Fs=48kHz
Total harmonic distortion Less than 0.05% 20Hz-20kHz@+4dBu into 600Ω, OMNI IN to OMNI OUT, Input Gain = Min. Less than 0.05% 20Hz-20kHz@+4dBu into 600Ω, OMNI IN to OMNI OUT, Input Gain = Min. Less than 0.05% 20Hz-20kHz@+4dBu into 600Ω, OMNI IN to OMNI OUT, Input Gain = Min.
Frequency response +0.5, -1.5dB 20Hz-20kHz, refer to +4dBu output @1kHz, OMNI IN to OMNI OUT +0.5, -1.5dB 20Hz-20kHz, refer to +4dBu output @1kHz, OMNI IN to OMNI OUT +0.5, -1.5dB 20Hz-20kHz, refer to +4dBu output @1kHz, OMNI IN to OMNI OUT
Dynamic range 112dB typ.: DA Converter / 108dB typ.: OMNI IN to OMNI OUT, Input Gain = Min. 112dB typ.: DA Converter / 108dB typ.: OMNI IN to OMNI OUT, Input Gain = Min. 112dB typ.: DA Converter / 108dB typ.: OMNI IN to OMNI OUT, Input Gain = Min.
Hum & noise level Equivalent input noise -128dBu typ., Equivalent Input Noise, Input Gain=Max. -128dBu typ., Equivalent Input Noise, Input Gain=Max -128dBu typ., Equivalent Input Noise, Input Gain=Max
Residual output noise -88dBu, Residual output noise, ST master off -88dBu, Residual output noise, ST master off -88dBu, Residual output noise, ST master off
Crosstalk -100dB*1, adjacent OMNI IN/OMNI OUT channels, Input Gain = Min. -100dB*1, adjacent OMNI IN/OMNI OUT channels, Input Gain = Min. -100dB*1, adjacent OMNI IN/OMNI OUT channels, Input Gain = Min.
Power requirements US/Canada: 120V 60Hz, Japan: 100V 50/60Hz, China: 110-240V 50/60Hz, Korea: 220V 60Hz, Other: 110-240V 50/60Hz US/Canada: 120V 60Hz, Japan: 100V 50/60Hz, China: 110-240V 50/60Hz, Korea: 220V 60Hz, Other: 110-240V 50/60Hz US/Canada: 120V 60Hz, Japan: 100V 50/60Hz, China: 110-240V 50/60Hz, Korea: 220V 60Hz, Other: 110-240V 50/60Hz
Power consumption 170W: Internal Power Supply / 200W: Simultaneous use of Internal PSU and External PW800W 170W: Internal Power Supply / 200W: Simultaneous use of Internal PSU and External PW800W 170W: Internal Power Supply / 200W: Simultaneous use of Internal PSU and External PW800W
Dimensions W 1053mm (41 1/2in) 839mm (33 1/8in) 648mm (25 5/8in)
H 299mm (11 3/4in) 299mm (11 3/4in) 299mm (11 3/4in)
D 667mm (26 1/4in) 667mm (26 1/4in) 667mm (26 1/4in)
Net weight 36kg (79.4lb) 29kg (63.9lb) 24kg (52.9lb)
Others Temperature Range: Operating temperature range: 0 - 40℃, Storage temperature range: -20 - 60℃ Temperature Range: Operating temperature range: 0 - 40℃, Storage temperature range: -20 - 60℃ Temperature Range: Operating temperature range: 0 - 40℃, Storage temperature range: -20 - 60℃

*1 Crosstalk is measured with a 30dB/octave filter @22kHz 
*2 Excluded MBCL optional meter bridge. 
*3 Total Harmonic Distortion is measured with 18dB/octave filter @80kHz 
*4 Hum & Noise are measured with A-Weight filter.

Analog Input Characteristics

Input Terminals GAIN Actual Load
For use with nominal Input level Connector
Sensitivity*1 Nominal Max. before clip
OMNI IN 1-8 +66dB 10kΩ 50-600Ω Mics &
600Ω Lines
-82dBu (61.6μV) -62dBu (0.616mV) -42dBu (6.16mV) XLR3-31 type (Balanced)*2
+18dB -34dBu (15.5mV) -14dBu (155mV) +6dBu (1.55V)
+17dB 3kΩ -33dBu (17.4mV) -13dBu (174mV) +7dBu (1.74V)
-6dB -10dBu (245mV) +10dBu (2.45V) +30dBu (24.5V)
TALKBACK +64dB 10kΩ 50-600Ω Mics &
600Ω Lines
-70dBu (0.245mV)
-60dBu (0.775mV)
-40dBu (7.75mV)
XLR3-31 type(Balanced)*2
+20dB -26dBu (38.8mV) -16dBu (0.123V) +4dBu (1.23V)

*1. Sensitivity is the lowest level that will produce an output of +4dBu(1.23V) or the nominal output level when the unit is set to maximum gain.(all faders and level controls are maximum position.)
*2. XLR-3-31 type connectors are balanced..(1=GND, 2=HOT, 3=COLD) 
*3. In these specifications, 0dBu = 0.775 Vrms. 
*4. All input AD converters are 24bit linear, 128times oversampling.
*5. +48V DC ( phantom power ) is supplied to OMNI IN (1-8) and TALKBACK XLR type connectors via each individual software controlled switches.

Analog Output Characteristics

Output Terminals Actual Source
For Use With
GAIN SW*5 Output Level Connector
Nominal Max. before clip
OMNI OUT 1-8 75Ω 600Ω Lines +24dB (default) +4dBu (1.23 V) +24dBu (12.3 V) XLR-3-32 type(Balanced)*1
+18dB -2dBu (616mV) +18dBu (6.16V)
PHonES 15Ω 8Ω Phones - 75mW*6 150mW Stereo Phone Jack (TRS) (Unbalanced)*2
40Ω Phones - 65mW*6 150mW

*1. XLR-3-32 type connectors are balanced.( 1=GND, 2=HOT, 3=COLD )
*2. PHonES stereo phone jack is unbalanced.( Tip=LEFT, Ring=RIGHT, Sleeve=GND )
*3. In these specifications, 0dBu = 0.775 Vrms.
*4. All output DA converters are 24bit, 128times oversampling.
*5. There are switches inside the body to preset the maximum output level.
*6. The position of the level control is 10dB lowered from Max.

Digital Input & Output Characteristics

Terminal Format Data length Level Audio Connector
Primary/Secondary Dante 24bit or 32bit 1000base-T 64ch Input/64ch Output @48kHz etherCON Cat5e

Digital Output Characteristics

Terminal Format Data length Level Connector
DIGITAL OUT AES/EBU AES/EBU Professional Use 24bit RS422 XLR-3-32 type (Balanced) *1

*1. XLR-3-32 type connectors are balanced. (1=GND, 2=HOT, 3=COLD)

I/O Slot (1-3) Characteristics

Control I/O Characteristics

Each I/O Slot accepts a Mini-YGDAI card. only Slot1 has a serial interface.

Terminal Format Level Connector
MIDI IN MIDI - DIN Connector 5P
OUT MIDI - DIN Connector 5P
WORD CLOCK IN - TTL/75Ω terminated BNC Connector
OUT - TTL/75Ω BNC Connector
GPI (5IN/5OUT) - - D-Sub Connector 15P (Female) *1
NETWORK IEEE802.3 10base-T/100base-TX/ RJ-45
LAMP (CL5=3, CL3=2, CL1=1) - 0V - 12V XLR-4-31 type *2
USB HOST USB 2.0 - USB A Connector (Female)
Meter Bridge (CL3/CL1 only) - - D-Sub Connector 9P (Female)

*1. Input pins: Internal TTL-level pull-up resistors provided (47kΩ). Output pins: Open-drain output (Vmax = 12V, max. sink current/pin = 75mA) Power pins: Output voltage Vp = 5V, max. output current Imax = 300mA
*2. Pin 4 = +12V, Pin 3 = GND, lamp rating 5W. Software voltage control.